Our veterinarians can provide a variety of basic cardiology services, including:

  • Physical examination: The veterinarian will perform a physical examination of your pet, including checking their heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure.
  • Radiographs (X-rays):  The veterinarian will perform a set of radiographs on your pet to assess the overall size of the heart, changes with the lung structures and look for chronic changes associated with heart disease.
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG): The veterinarian will perform an EKG to measure the electrical activity of your pet’s heart.
  • Blood tests: The veterinarian will take blood samples from your pet to check for any abnormalities in their heart or circulatory system.
  • Echocardiogram: The veterinarian will use an echocardiogram to create a moving image of your pet’s heart.
  • Blood Pressure Evaluation:  The veterinarian will can test your pet’s blood pressure to help assess heart function and look for pressure abnormalities in the cardiovascular system.
  • Heartworm test: The veterinarian will test your pet for heartworms, a serious parasitic infection that can damage your pet’s heart and lungs.

If your pet has any heart problems, the veterinarian will work with you to develop a treatment plan. This may include medication, surgery, or other therapies including referral to a board certified cardiologist.

It is important to take your pet to the veterinarian for regular checkups, even if they seem healthy. This will help to identify any heart problems early on, when they are more likely to be treatable.